Greg Louganis and Pals
Producers Inquiry:
MS. Development Executive
Multi-National Media Giant
New York, NY
Dear Wise And Magnificent One!
I am still doing research on who may exemplify the Ultimate "Ooooh" Moment (The Humanity) in sport and wanted to pass this by you prior to making a formal pitch.
The Moment will most likely involve a devastating scenario that all sides instantly see and relate to. A triumphant moment usually involves at least one side not wanting the same result, and thus not feeling the same.
To that end, I have been looking into large audience (in person with a live TV component) events to find the right candidate to focus on - historical weight is also important to me. Greg Louganis and his '88 head to spring board slam and subsequent Gold medal and later AIDS controversy currently lead the possibilities. Although there are a couple of filmed presentations, I have not seen anything to the degree I believe we should have from this historic event. I wonder if the post-coming-out-AIDS backlash hurt the telling of a more compelling and detailed story earlier than now.
So, am I in the right neighborhood?
Man expected to win Gold, blows up head on spring board (world watches live) in most important event for his sport - all the world instantly responds Ooooh Nooo, Man goes on to win Gold anyway. Man writes book - blows up persona - people respond negatively to pre '88 AIDS awareness, does Man get chance to win Gold again?
By the way, most of my work revolves around witnessing and deconstructing; very slow moving, devastatingly massive, human - animal cataclysms not unlike the unfolding Lance Armstrong saga in sport. So it's a very exciting proposition to examine the depth and detail of just an instance of time. (Joe Theismann, Dale Sr., etc. don't count - not everyone saw at same time or realized what was going on and the moment was much more elongated. As you can see I am still building the conceptual foundation. Thoughts, feedback, critique are always cherished.
There are a few other possibilities to consider, and I wish to explore the "Ooooh" phenomenon a little bit through history no matter who the focus is on, with various setups... SC's Clowney hit on UM's Smith as reference is looking more and more viable every day. Side note, Louganis experienced a much more devastating head to platform slam in the late 70's
I have seen Greg as part of other docs. Has he already been considered as a possible subject?
Thank you for the open door, love what you guys do.
Actual Development Executives Response:
Dear Genius Producer,
It’s an interesting event, for sure! Just saw a whole doc on Louganis, he’s quite a character. If you think his story has the weight to anchor the film, I’d be happy to hear it out. Still a little hard to visualize your concept as a concise story though – again, explaining the ‘wow’ factor in sports is a tough thing to delve into in our format.
Thanks for reaching out, let me know if you’d still like to give it a go.
Wise & Magnificent Development Executive
Oh boy, do we ever! Stay tuned...
Here is that historic moment from the '88 Olympic Games
MS. Development Executive
Multi-National Media Giant
New York, NY
Dear Wise And Magnificent One!
I am still doing research on who may exemplify the Ultimate "Ooooh" Moment (The Humanity) in sport and wanted to pass this by you prior to making a formal pitch.
The Moment will most likely involve a devastating scenario that all sides instantly see and relate to. A triumphant moment usually involves at least one side not wanting the same result, and thus not feeling the same.
To that end, I have been looking into large audience (in person with a live TV component) events to find the right candidate to focus on - historical weight is also important to me. Greg Louganis and his '88 head to spring board slam and subsequent Gold medal and later AIDS controversy currently lead the possibilities. Although there are a couple of filmed presentations, I have not seen anything to the degree I believe we should have from this historic event. I wonder if the post-coming-out-AIDS backlash hurt the telling of a more compelling and detailed story earlier than now.
So, am I in the right neighborhood?
Man expected to win Gold, blows up head on spring board (world watches live) in most important event for his sport - all the world instantly responds Ooooh Nooo, Man goes on to win Gold anyway. Man writes book - blows up persona - people respond negatively to pre '88 AIDS awareness, does Man get chance to win Gold again?
By the way, most of my work revolves around witnessing and deconstructing; very slow moving, devastatingly massive, human - animal cataclysms not unlike the unfolding Lance Armstrong saga in sport. So it's a very exciting proposition to examine the depth and detail of just an instance of time. (Joe Theismann, Dale Sr., etc. don't count - not everyone saw at same time or realized what was going on and the moment was much more elongated. As you can see I am still building the conceptual foundation. Thoughts, feedback, critique are always cherished.
There are a few other possibilities to consider, and I wish to explore the "Ooooh" phenomenon a little bit through history no matter who the focus is on, with various setups... SC's Clowney hit on UM's Smith as reference is looking more and more viable every day. Side note, Louganis experienced a much more devastating head to platform slam in the late 70's
I have seen Greg as part of other docs. Has he already been considered as a possible subject?
Thank you for the open door, love what you guys do.
Actual Development Executives Response:
Dear Genius Producer,
It’s an interesting event, for sure! Just saw a whole doc on Louganis, he’s quite a character. If you think his story has the weight to anchor the film, I’d be happy to hear it out. Still a little hard to visualize your concept as a concise story though – again, explaining the ‘wow’ factor in sports is a tough thing to delve into in our format.
Thanks for reaching out, let me know if you’d still like to give it a go.
Wise & Magnificent Development Executive
Oh boy, do we ever! Stay tuned...
Here is that historic moment from the '88 Olympic Games